Partner Services

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Resultat: 1-2 von 2 Service Partner.

Crossware is a cross platform UI, IoT, and multimedia Software Solution Provider. Pixelperfect and frictionless UX/UI applications and workflows are as close to it heart as ambitious C++ or C multimedia and middleware development.

Software Services

Embedded Software Development, WebUI, Application Development, Qt

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Slint is an open source software toolkit for developing graphical user interfaces for embedded, mobile, web, and desktop applications. Slint is supported on all Toradex devices and is integrated into both TorizonOS as well as Yocto Linux.

Additional Services

UI/UX application development, Rust programming

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Joint Projects
  • Graphical user interface showcasing a dynamic robot face on the Verdin iMX8M Plus for a self-balancing demo at Embedded World 2024.
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