The AC97 Tweak

2014년 6월 23일 월요일
Icon for Colibri

Icon for ColibriDuring product development on Toradex Computer modules, in case there is a need for confirguration of some special audio codec features, especially those which are not accessible through the common wave API, the AC97 Tweak referenced here will come in handy. This tool is available in the Toradex Colibri Software

Listed below is a glimpse of the possible features you could configure while using the AC97 Tweak;

    1. headphone driver
    2. equalizer settings
    3. direct access to audio codec registers
    4. record gain
    5. enable loopback mode to test the audio signal path
    6. record and replay a wave file
AC97 Tweak

Please keep note that the Audio Driver mutes the Audio-Out path after each played sound. The AC97 Tweak tool does not reflect this correctly in the Mute checkbox.

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